
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wheels day

Hey blog world on Monday was wheels day you proberly know what it is if you it is day when you bring your wheels to school. Such as, bikes, scooters, rollerskaates, and controllable race cars.
We also got to go to the pool and there was also a water slide there. I was so desprete to swim that  I would just go in the clothes that I was wearing. After that we played games like chess and USA foot ball
vortex team tactics and capture the flag. We also got to play with sports equipment like basket ball rugby ball stilts ripstick guterball tenses ball and others. That was proberly my favourite wheels day.
If you wanna see more of my work come back at any time you want to bye guys.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Recycled paper in munukau

Hey blog world at the start of the year re made paper out of recycled ones. We mad it for our gala celebration.
I found out that over 10000000 pices of paper wasted and thats just in NZ also found out that in the whole world only recycled 10000.
here are thing you .
Wooden frame.
1st step is rip the paper into little pieces of paper.
2nd step put the paper into a bucket and but hot water in it and also leave to sit overnight.
3rd step is to use your egg beater to beat the paper until it looks like purge.
4th step pour it in the container.
5th step is  to use the mold and decal to scoop up some paper and let it dry for a few seconds then take the mold off  and flip it around and then take off the decal now let it dry and wallah threes you paper. If you wanna come to the gala celebration its at waikowhai primary school on 25th of November it starts at and ends at 3.a clock.

Friday, October 27, 2017


Hey there blog world last week we were asked by out teachers to read our novels. When we think were at the beginning middle and end we had to write about what was happening. We also had to make our main character in tinkerkad heres mine.
My book is about a dog called jack pepper and him going missing and a boy called Leo sets off to find him. and here my piece of writing there are 11 activities we have to finish i have only finished 
2  but we still have two more weeks and then we have to present it in front of groups
or the whole Te Waka Ano we have to present what our book is about.

Add caption

Monday, September 11, 2017


Hey guys today my school was really lucky to have the crazy scientist and his fellow helper Robyn she did all the sounds and music in the background.  The crazy scientists name is Richard. He showed us science beyond normal Science. He also showed us H2O, friction, polymers, and physics. He was also really funny. He showed us how to make fire. All you need is sticks, paper, wood, or plastic, thats the fuel.
You also need a spark which Is called heat. The last thing you need is  oxygen. So you might be wondering why we need Oxygen, well heres why. Without it there will be no reaction. Hmmm I wonder how he made the ball out of his mouth come out Of his mouth?. And how it's science not magic. To get my answers I will go on a website to find the answers to my questions. If you want to see more of my work just come back whenever you want bye guys.

Friday, July 7, 2017

SebastianSmart Choices Comic Strip- Template

Hello bloggers I will be showing all of you what we had to do for one of our inquiry tasks. Me and my friends put together a comic strip. Here is my comic strip down below its about not Sharing classified information. Thats also what cyber-smart means and cyber safety cyber smart is being safe. Online and about digital foot prints which means teachers can see what ever you do so have fun reading and also read it with expression.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Hello bloggers as you can tell this is a good bye card to Mrs Dron my teacher shes leaving because shes having a baby it gonna be her third child. Mr Riceman is the main teacher of room 8 which is my class and Mrs Dron is teaming up this is a old piece of work but is till wanted. To post it because i wanted to lets you know what class im in and who my teacher down below my writing is a google doc with pictures we had to name it as a sybersmart thing so she wont know. On the google doc is pictures of babes flowers and pictures of her self and also pink pink pink I put on pink because its her favourite co-lure she still is coming to do some releaveing but hope you enjoyed

Monday, June 19, 2017

Last week Mr Rross showed us a google doc for cad-bury chocolate because another cum-pony. On top is my google doc about cad-bury chocolate quick fact about cad-bury chocolate Richard Hudson is the creator of Cad-bury.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Six thinking hats

Hi Blogging World!!!

On Thursday Manukau ,Waitamata  and Hauraki 
gathered and started a six thinking hats. Down below is my work of my six thinking hats, we also had to write about the building. The six hats were information about our negative feelings, good things, what is creative and what should we do. Thanks for checking out my blog make sure to always be active with me and I will be too with my new post.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.