
Friday, May 25, 2018

Emoji cloud

Hello blog yesterday we made a emoji art each. inside of the emoji there is words the words are in alphabetical order of feelings that we could use in life.
We could change the colour of the emoji words in the face. after that we got to choose are own emoji faces. There was different choices like a angle, demon. smiley face, and a sad emoji.
You can also change the fonts and you can change the way the the writing goes.

You can put in any type animal stickers and baby toys that are also stickers.
here is a list of things that you can also put in you alphabetical feelings order.
You can put Christmas also clouds emojis hearts money music notes and instrumentals.
Thank you very much for coming and visiting your very welcome bake here anytime you want.


  1. Hi Sebastian Robert here from Park Estate I want to know how you made this emoji. I think you have to make another emoji like this

  2. Hi there Sebastian, Blake here from Awahono School, I like how you have created all of the emotions in the shape of an emoji. Maybe you could fix up the picture because you have it a little over the lines? Also you could add a link to the website? You could check out my blog sometime here:
    Kind Regards

  3. Hi Sebastian, Lachlan here from Awahono School. I like the colours that you put on your emoji cloud poster. I like some of the words that you put on your poster like Emotional, Mindful, Positivity and some more.How did you make this poster?
    Kind Regards



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