
Monday, September 11, 2017


Hey guys today my school was really lucky to have the crazy scientist and his fellow helper Robyn she did all the sounds and music in the background.  The crazy scientists name is Richard. He showed us science beyond normal Science. He also showed us H2O, friction, polymers, and physics. He was also really funny. He showed us how to make fire. All you need is sticks, paper, wood, or plastic, thats the fuel.
You also need a spark which Is called heat. The last thing you need is  oxygen. So you might be wondering why we need Oxygen, well heres why. Without it there will be no reaction. Hmmm I wonder how he made the ball out of his mouth come out Of his mouth?. And how it's science not magic. To get my answers I will go on a website to find the answers to my questions. If you want to see more of my work just come back whenever you want bye guys.